
Première Vision Autumn/Winter 2013/14 Fashion Trends
[Paris], August 14, 2012 - The stories of Autumn/Winter 2013-14; portray an opulent and sexy season marked by substance.
They return the senses to the heart of the debate and elevate the role of feelings.
They convey the energy of emotion through colours concentrated deep inside fabrics, in engorged pigments, in mysterious shadows,in bittersweets.
They tell of fabrics with a sensual tangibility,
with a fullness in weights and behaviours,
with an enrobing or protective thickness,
with a full-bodied fluidity,
with an ultra-supple stretch,
with a daring fantasy...read more
Première Vision Autumn/Winter 2012/13: The First Fabric and Color Trends
July 8, 2011, [New York] - Autumn/Winter 2012/13 takes up multi-colors, riskier colors, even for pants, jackets and outerwear.
Shifting away from blurriness, visuals, weaves and patterns have neater, more clearly defined contours.Fabrics adopt body, even weight, while remaining intensely supple. Knits continue their evolution into more structured, yet not stiff, tailored-style items.Wool exerts its influence In all universes. Softened cardeds generate luxuriously rustic visuals, and warm thick fancies, while light weights suggest truly feminine uses...read more |
Première Vision Spring/Summer 2012 Fabric and Color Trends + Color Codes
July 8, 2011, [New York] - A season of vast ambition, to see far and wide. And discover the fundamentals of tomorrow.
The Spirit of the Season
Opening new perfect disequilibriums, sublime imperfections, and with emotion, a season where a blast of fresh, innovative fabrics, yarns and interplays infuses new oxygen into textile-driven fashions.
Seeing far, to invite in surprise Inventing with arresting fabrics, and inciting different dialogues between clothing and the body...read more |
Premiere Vision Color Trends Autumn/Winter 2009/10
The Color Trends for Autumn/Winter 2009/10 Season
--Seizing on color as a power source to jolt colorful tensions.
--Maintaining equal pressure on liveliness and neutrality and encouraging luminosity.
--Heightening intensity, and circulating energy in a positive, rippling or alternating current
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Denim by Première Vision / Paris
PARIS-Les Docks
4-5 December 2007
Denim Spring/Summer 2009
Denim is a fabric that is special, unique. With its own very specific community. To provide it with an industry tool best suited to its needs, Première Vision creates a new type of encounter, made to measure and adjusted to its particular culture: Denim by Première Vision. The first edition will be taking place 4 and 5 December in Paris, at the Docks...read more |
Premiére Vision | Spring / Summer 2008
The Freedom in Doing Otherwise
LAUNCHING into a season marked by energy and difference.
Rediscovering a taste for the present,
anchoring oneself in reality,
savouring the dynamic of the ephemeral
and joining in tomorrow's time...read more |
Premiére Vision | Autumn / Winter 2007/2008 Color Trends
�secretly nurture fabric's incandescence
The autumn winter 07|08 range develops in still waves to better ally with fabric. It calms the superfluous to secretly nurture fabric's incandescence. Shiny or ultra-matt, metallic, not completely plain or concentrated, colours grow languid with a serene and enveloping decency...read more |
February 2006 Salon | Fashion Info
"The markets change..
Première Vision changes too..."
Whatever the context - whether it be globalisation, mergers, the overhauling of fashion systems, or variable consumer demands � we cannot escape the conclusion that the world of fashion textiles is undergoing radical change which is forcing companies in this sector to restructure and adopt new ways of working. Première Vision could not fail to take into account this complex and challenging reality. If it has become the world's trade fair of reference, this is because it has always kept abreast of changes in the fashion chain, responded promptly to its audience and constantly adapted its structure and services to the needs of the market. Once again, today Première Vision is keeping ...read more |
Premiére Vision
Autumn/Winter 2006/2007 Colors
Essential and futile, rigorous and sensitive, the range vibrates in delicious tone-on-tones, resonates in opulent monochromes,
awakens generous and restrained variations.
Mineral, soft and greedy colours, fresco nuances and velvety mattness, half-tones and patinated acidulous shades, a tenderly tempered liveliness.
Precious and warm polychromes, brownish, burnt, reddish glazes,
the nobility of colour as a material, a dizzying intensity...read more |
Premiére Vision Colors Info for Spring/Summer 2006
Like a manifesto, color proclaims itself.
Identifiable, true and singular, colors show off their natures in all simplicity. They exalt the obvious appearance of shades, unveil the accuracy of tonal values, and combine according to a shared essence.
A modulation tempered by pigments subdued by excessive light, sun-dried fruity shades, and tonalities muffled by shadow. Softly filtered semi-tones and half-tones.
A pared-down harmony of fresh and tranquil nuances, of ethereal and precious neutrals, of mineral and evaporated tints. Evanescent and solid light shades...read more |